Monday, 3 February 2020

Hekate's Keys!

Hekate's Keys!

Hekate was introduced to me by a customer some years ago soon after I started making my bronze jewellery. Steve the Green Man Jewellery. She asked me to make her an Hekate Wheel, and thanks to her and Hekate, this has since been one of my best sellers, and I have felt that I have had the blessing of the goddess on myself and my work. But for a long time I have been thinking I should do more for her than just the one design and size variants on it, but also as an archaeologist by training I wanted something with a connection to antiquity, or at least looked antique, and that I could do within the limits of my abilities and materials I use (I can't do neat, I can't do small, and I can't do fiddly!). For a long time I have thought that the key to this were her keys; but ancient style keys, not modern ones like most use.
But the moment was not quite right, until a few days ago, when suddenly I found myself on a surge of new designs and variants on my work, most of which went very well. And among these was this new design that the Goddess inspired within me. I wanted something feminine and hadn't realised until I finished it that my symbolic long skirted female shape was in fact the more modern keyhole shape! But it was the shape that she inspired me towards. The three long ancient keys on her skirt (I know far bigger than any would be, but we are dealing with symbolism here  ), and then a nod towards my personal past with her, with her fire bowl at the top. To me, it all fell into place! 
Whether purists and modern book led pagans of any kind will like it or not, I don't care. To me, this has come straight from her to me as a gift! It may turn out that it is not original, that perhaps I saw something in the past and it was in my sub-conscious (like composing a tune. Is it original, or something heard? Or part of many things heard?). If it is, then it is my version of that.
All I hope is that she is pleased with what I have done in her honour? What am I talking about?? I know she is pleased with what I have done for her. 

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